When we show up for our initial consultation on any residential project one of the first topics to come up is safety.  Not only the safety of being able to move around without injury, but also the desire for that protected feeling of refuge and security on your own property.15820AZT27

There are several things to look at when developing a lighting design with safety in mind.  The first thing we look at is walkways and steps.  Of course, these heavy traffic areas must be lit well enough for everyone to feel comfortable moving around.  Sometimes path or step lights are needed here, but oftentimes we’re able to use down lighting from trees or structures, which is one of our favorite methods.

It’s important to also consider security for the areas where everyone likes to gather.  In these outdoor spaces we want soft and even lighting.  If these areas are too dark, it’s downright scary and people will avoid it.  If it’s too bright, you’ll see people squint their eyes as they try to focus between the darkness beyond them and the bright lights around them.  We also try to create a perimeter of light to define the edges of the property making everyone feel like they are in a defined space.  We then try to make everyone even more relaxed by adding some soft layers of light; and maybe even adding dimmers to patio or exterior lights. A little light can go a long way.

If a property is well covered in light, with some bright focal areas, some low level lighting to fill in dark holes, and some mid-level lighting where friends and family come together, the property becomes very UN-inviting to any criminal element.  Realize that the same elements helping you and your guests to feel comfortable and safe in a space, are the same reasons that deter crimes by making “bad people” feel uncomfortable.  As we feel more protected when surrounded by light, the lawless or immoral people who may wish to linger in darkness are thwarted when they can be easily seen, and therefore likely shun those spaces altogether.

So, if you have a well-designed outdoor lighting system at your home, you also have a good safety lighting system in place.  If you would like to add lighting to increase that feeling of security on your property, please contact us here.