Month: October 2013 Austin Area Outdoor Lighting Design From The Inside One of things I always do when meeting with a client to develop an outdoor lighting design is to ask… 0 22356 How Do You Define Value? By Patty Gosselin Value: an amount expressed in money or another medium of exchange that is thought to be a… 0 11193 Comments on Our Blog We really love it when people read this blog and leave their comments. I wish everyone who read this blog… 0 17895 Our opinion: Will professional outdoor lighting increase the value of your property? The short answer is yes and no. There really hasn’t been a study that I know of to prove that… 2 6464 How to Light a Sego Palm Tree SEGO PALMS are among the most difficult landscape plants to accent, in my opinion. Personally, I think the sego palm… 0 25745 Fire Ants, Get Rid of Them! Every spring and fall we talk about fire ants because every year we confront this problem. These pests are not native to… 0 17887 LED Landscape Lighting Troubleshooting Who would have thought just 10 years ago that an outdoor lighting company would have to learn about troubleshooting electronic… 0 7771 Business is Business in All Industries WARNING: I’m going to get on my soapbox now. I have written many times in local publications about business – particularly… 0 23283 Austin Landscape Lighting: Mercury Vapor Outdoor Lighting-Revisited We’ve all seen them. The distinctive eerie green glow of mercury vapor lighting dots the landscapes of commercial properties all… 0 38308 Safely Lighting for Halloween The little ghouls are on the way! They show up with bags, buckets, and body bags (I mean pillow cases)… 0 23047 Page 1 of 21 2