One of things I always do when meeting with a client to develop an outdoor lighting design is to ask if I can come inside. Puzzled, with that tilted-puppy-head look, they generally allow it while I explain that outdoor lighting isn’t just for the friends, neighbors, and strangers passing by that see their home from the outside – it has to create a beautiful view for the folks inside as well.

The homeowner paying for outdoor lighting should also enjoy the benefit of their investment while entertaining inside, preparing a meal for the family, settling in with a book or even washing the dishes. Yes, we want to turn their windows into living works of art at night. Window casings and curtains create great frames for the wonderfully lighted art work – their landscape. This visual works especially well with sliding glass doors, and window walls commonly seen on waterfront property or in the central Texas hill country where the views can be spectacular. When we add drama to the landscape with light focusing on the view from inside the home, the room feels more expansive and helps to bring the outside space in.

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One of our clients has this view outside of her kitchen window. I’m betting that washing dishes isn’t quite so bad when you can look at this, right?

professional outdoor lighting designer should look at all the aspects of the design with an artist’s eye for everyone to enjoy from all usable spaces. The point of view of the inside dweller is just as important as that of the outside observer. So, if your outdoor lighting designer doesn’t ask to come in, they may only be looking at the design from one prospective – their own.

For a different perspective on outdoor lighting, contact us