Tag: Fixtures What LED Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting Products do WE Use Around Austin, Texas? This is a question we get every now and then so I thought I would give a list of… 0 13661 An Austin Area Custom Outdoor Lighting Design May Require Custom Fixtures NightScenes is an outdoor lighting design company which also installs, maintains and services professional grade outdoor lighting systems. As a… 0 12149 How Many Lights do I Need in my Landscape? This is one of the most frequently asked questions we hear. To help answer this question, we need to ask… 0 19891 How to Choose the Right Outdoor Lighting Fixture No single fixture on the market today can take on every outdoor lighting task effectively. Using a variety of techniques… 0 6790 Proper Landscape Lighting Fixture Placement We were recently called onto a location which had several outdoor lighting problems, but let’s just cover one of them… 0 22469