Tag: central Texas Choose a Landscape Lighting Designer look for a landscape lighting designer Sometimes you need a real landscape lighting designer. Many landscapers and irrigation installers do… 0 109624 Texas HOA Lighting by NightScenes Texas HOA lighting can be done very well with low voltage LED landscape lighting We have been lighting entries to… 0 25390 Landscape Lighting Timers Let’s take a look at a few landscape lighting timers and how they can control your outdoor lighting system One… 0 51768 What LED Low Voltage Outdoor Lighting Products do WE Use Around Austin, Texas? This is a question we get every now and then so I thought I would give a list of… 0 13822 How to Choose the Right Outdoor Lighting Fixture No single fixture on the market today can take on every outdoor lighting task effectively. Using a variety of techniques… 0 6870 Why You Should Not Use Halogen PAR Lights In Flower Beds Here you see a picture of a PAR fixture located in a mulched area of the landscape and you also… 0 32881