Month: July 2013 Proper Landscape Lighting Fixture Placement We were recently called onto a location which had several outdoor lighting problems, but let’s just cover one of them… 0 22791 Why Settle For Ugly Security Lighting at Your Home? In just about every article I read from police departments about home security, they say that lighting is very important… 0 14656 The Mark of Vorro! As I drive down the Austin roads at night, I am always looking for lighting on homes and businesses. When… 0 12074 What Should You Expect in a Landscape Lighting Proposal? What should you be able to learn from the landscape lighting proposal as it’s presented to you? Those who are… 0 31656 He Just Grazed It, The Outdoor Lighting Grazing Technique One of my favorite lighting techniques is grazing. When done properly, it does a great job of showing off the texture… 0 18596